Call for CAPN Scholarship Applications

CAPN offers some scholarships, usually between $200 and $400 in value, to classicists in the CAPN area who teach or intend to teach and are seeking funds for travel or coursework that will enhance their teaching or their ability to enroll in teaching certification programs.

Eligibility: Primary and secondary school teachers in Classics-related fields, students preparing to teach a Classics-related field at the primary or secondary school level, and graduating high school seniors who are interested in teaching the Classics. Applicants should be residents of, teach, or attend school in the geographical area represented by CAPN (Montana, Washington, Oregon, Idaho, British Columbia, Alberta, and Saskatchewan).

Applications should clearly state your name and address, school or university affiliation, the rationale for your application, and an outline of your anticipated expenses.

Contact: Alain Gowing
Department of Classics, Box 353110
University of Washington
218 Denny Hall
Seattle, WA 98195


CAPN Members: Please disseminate this information among your area school contacts!


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