Registration will be $45.00 US (48.00 Canadian)
Thanks to grants from the University of Washington Graduate School and from the CACW, graduate student registration will be $20.00 US (21.50 Canadian)
Registration includes a reception after the keynote lecture on Friday night and coffee, buffet lunch, and snacks on Saturday.
Please print this form and send it with your check (in US dollars or the Canadian equivalent) payable to “CAPN” to:
Catherine Connors
Department of Classics
Box 353110
University of Washington
Seattle, WA 98195-3110 USA
Deadline: March 3rd 2010
Click here for registration form
Blocks of rooms have been reserved at the following nearby hotels. Please be sure to ask for the group rate associated with the CAPN/CACW Annual Meeting
(University Inn, Watertown and Hotel Deca are within two blocks of the west edge of campus; Silver Cloud is slightly further away to the northeast, but arrangements can be made for shuttle service)
1. University Inn & Watertown
(Group rate available until Feb 19, 2010)
2. Hotel Deca (group rate available until Feb 26, 2010)
4507 Brooklyn Ave NE. Seattle, WA 98105
Reservations: 800-899-0251 or email
$125.00 Rooms will be held at this rate until Feb 26, 2010. Please mention CAPN/CACW
3. Silver Cloud Inn (group rate available until Feb. 26, 2010)
5036 25th Avenue NE Seattle WA 98105
1. Please visit our website
2. Select “Rates & Availability”
3. Select “Group or Company”
4. Type in “Group or Corporate ID” CAPNCACW
5. Type in “Password” 2010
6. Simply follow the instructions to complete the reservation.
1. Call our hotel directly at 206-526-5200 or Toll Free at 800-205-6940
2. Tell them that you are traveling with “CAPN/CACW”.
That’s it! Any front desk agent can help you.
Group Rates for March 12-14, 2010 are available until February 26, 2010 and include: Continental Breakfast, Parking & Local Shuttle Service
Deluxe King Room = $129 + tax per night (single/double occupancy)
7:00 pm Kane Hall 220 Map:
Keynote lecture: The Cinematography of Virgil’s Aeneid
Professor Kirk Freudenburg, Department of Classics, Yale University
Reception following the lecture in Walker Ames Room, Kane Hall 225
University of Washington Club
I. A (Conference Room) Gods, goddesses, heroes and heroines
Robin Greene - The Haunted and the Hunted: Orestes as Actaeon in the Eumenides
Bill Dow - Achilles’ Choice
Ruby Blondell - Helen vs. Thetis in Alcaeus 42
Stephanie L. Budin - Aphrodite vs. Venus
I. B (South Dining Room)
Frances Pownall - Pericles in the Pamphlet of Stesimbrotus of Thasos
David Mirhady - Justice the True and Beneficial
Alex Alderman - The Three Genres of Xenophon’s Memorabilia
Ellen Millender - Cynisca’s Heroization and the Contestation of Charismatic Power in Fourth Century Sparta
I. C (Colleen Room)
Value, exchange and identity
Ulrike Krotscheck - Pottery Production and Exchange in the 6th Century BCE: New Results from the Western Mediterranean
Richard N. Fletcher - Tracing the Beginnings of the Age of Colonization
Megan Daniels - A goddess for all the People: The sanctuary of Aphrodite at Naucratis
Emily M. Rush - Polished to Perfection: Ekphrastic Description and Allusion in Heliodorus’ Aethiopika
II. A. (Conference Room)
Myth, memory and invention
Laurel Bowman - Competing Narratives: The Sophoclean Hero in Joss Whedon’s Dollhouse
Rosanna Lauriola - Oedipus and the Episode of the Sphinx in modern and contemporary art: From Jean-Auguste Domenique - Ingres to Michael Merck
John Harris - ‘One Froggy evening’ and ‘One Swanny Morning’: Merrie Melodies meets Aesop’s Fables
Mary Jaeger - Blame the Boletus? Demystifying Mushrooms in Latin Literature
II. B (South Dining Room)
Kristin Mann - View and Display in Herodotus
Aislinn Melchior - ‘Metabiographical’ Slave Names in Plutarch’s Roman Lives
Colin Shelton - Lucan’s Etymological Disclosures
Ethan T. Adams - Gallus and Vergil in Ovid’s Exile Poetry
II. C (Colleen Room)
Alexander J. Hollmann - Babylas the Evil Greengrocer. The Curse Tablets of Antioch
Benedict Lowe - Who lived in the villas of Republican Spain?
III. A Conference Room
Margaret M. Laird - Templum Augusti quod est Augustalium: Flavian Imperial Cult and Community Identity in Misenum
Jeremy Rossiter - The Phoenix Baths: A ‘Lost’ Roman bath-house at Carthage
Karen Carr - Street Protest in the Roman Empire and the Black Bloc
Ann M. Nicgorski - The New Permanent Gallery of Ancient Art at the Hallie Ford Museum of Art, Willamette University, Salem, Oregon
III. B South Dining Room
Nigel Nicholson - Glaucus and Carystus: Reclaiming and Reframing an Expatriate Victor
Sam Hotchkiss - Spondaic Old Men: A Study in the Metrical Determination of Character
Daniel Benjamin Unruh - Skeptouchoi: A new Look at the Homeric Sceptre
Lindsay Morse - Poseidon, Heroism and Kingship in Homer’s Iliad
III. C Colleen Room
Christy Lowe - Plautus and Indigenous Italian Drama
Ortwin Knorr - Comic Plot Reversals and Audience Focus in Terence’s Hecyra
III. D (Main dining room)
Roundtable discussion on teaching Latin
Catherine Connors (on The Masters in Teaching degree at the University of Washington); Linda Gillison (on recent changes to the AP Latin program) and others TBA
IV. A (Conference Room)
Steven Hijmans - Aurelia, Constantine and Sol: A Reassessment
John Vanderspoel - No Vision, No Dream: Constantine’s Big Lie
Lisa Hughes - Illusive Idols and the Constantinian Aesthetic in Rome's Lateran Basilica
Owen Ewald - [Augustine]
Crystal Dean - [Egeria]
IV. B. (South dining room)
Rex Stem - Epaminondas at the Rubicon: Cornelius Nepos and the Politics of Political Biography
Gaius Stern - Bending the Rules: Augustus and Roman Rigidity in Ransoming POWs
Greg Rowe - [Res Gestae]
Linda Gillison - Framing Authority: Auctoritas in de officiis
IV. C (Colleen Room)
Reyes Bartolin - The Athlete as Composite Creature
Brent M. Rogers - Troubling Women in Ancient Education
Christopher Eckerman - Teasing and Pleasing in Archilochus' 'First Cologne Epode'
Lauren Mayes - Gender and Deception in Euripides’ Alcestis
IV. D (Main dining room)
Cat Wilson - A mule, a goat, and a dove walk into a poem: Catullus and animal invective
Susanna Braund - The Meaning of Metre in European Translations of the Aeneid
Melissa Haynes - Touching Beauty: Ovid’s Pygmalion (Met. 10.238-54) and a Poetics of Hapticity
Brandon F. Jones - Calgacus and the Reinforcement of Tacitean Motifs